【大天使加百利】 加強感恩練習
一個加強你感恩練習的極好的方式就是開始把“必須(Have to)”改成“要(get to)”。舉個例子,如果你醒來並想,“我今天必須去上班”,轉變成“我今天要去上班。”還有“我今天必須送孩子”,改成“我今天要送孩子”。 “必須”有一種責任感和一種潛在的怨恨與抵抗語氣。而 “要”則立即把你的焦點轉向為祝福你的情況和充滿支持的流動與感恩。這是一個簡單的,非常有效的方式去擁抱你一天的所有一幕幕。
A wonderful way to enhance your gratitude practice is to start substituting the phrase 'get to' for the phrase 'have to'. For example, if you wake up and think, “I have to go to work today”, turn it into “ I get to go to work today.” Rather than, “I have to drive the kids today”, use “I get to drive the kids today.” 'Have to' has a sense of obligation and has an underlying tone of resentment and resistance. 'Get to' immediately shifts your focus onto the blessings of whatever your situation is and supports flow and appreciation. It is a simple, very effective way to embrace all aspects of your day. ~Archangel Gabriel