
葛拉瑪經Kalama Sutta

佛陀對葛拉瑪人的開示To the Kalamas

















01. 不可因為「常常聽人這麼傳說」就信以為真。(或不實謠言故。)

02. 不可因為「是大家遵奉的傳統」就信以為真。(或誤謬荒誕故。)

03. 不可因為「是普遍相信的報告」就信以為真。(或難免疏漏故。)

04. 不可因為「是有經典作依據的」就信以為真。(所載非無疑故。)

05. 不可因為「符合於邏輯的推測」就信以為真。(邏輯有時窮故。)

06. 不可因為「符合於常識的判斷」就信以為真。(常識非真常故。)

07. 不可因為「符合於類比的推論」就信以為真。(物類各有道故。)

08. 不可因為「和自己的觀點吻合」就信以為真。(或成見偏見故。)

09. 不可因為「符合的機率非常高」就信以為真。(或掛萬漏一故。)

10. 不可因為「是導師或權威所說」就信以為真。(仰慕失理智故。)



...It is good to see such a worthy one. So the Kalamas of Kesaputta went to the Blessed One....As they sat there, the Kalamas of Kesaputta said to the Blessed One, "Lord, there are some priests & contemplatives who come to Kesaputta. They expound & glorify their own doctrines, but as for the doctrines of others, they deprecate them, revile them, show contempt for them, & disparage them. And then other priests & contemplatives come to Kesaputta. They expound & glorify their own doctrines, but as for the doctrines of others, they deprecate them, revile them, show contempt for them, & disparage them. They leave us absolutely uncertain & in doubt: Which of these venerable priests & contemplatives are speaking the truth, and which ones are lying?"


"Of course you are uncertain, Kalamas. Of course you are in doubt. When there are reasons for doubt, uncertainty is born. So in this case, Kalamas, don't go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, byanalogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, 'This contemplative is our teacher.' When you know for yourselves that, 'These qualities are unskillful; these qualities are blameworthy; these qualities are criticized by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to harm & to suffering' — then you should abandon them.
























01. 不可因為「常常聽人這麼傳說」就信以為真。(或不實謠言故。)


02. 不可因為「是大家遵奉的傳統」就信以為真。(或誤謬荒誕故。)


03. 不可因為「是普遍相信的報告」就信以為真。(或難免疏漏故。)


04. 不可因為「是有經典作依據的」就信以為真。(所載非無疑故。)


05. 不可因為「符合於邏輯的推測」就信以為真。(邏輯有時窮故。)


06. 不可因為「符合於常識的判斷」就信以為真。(常識非真常故。)


07. 不可因為「符合於類比的推論」就信以為真。(物類各有道故。)


08. 不可因為「和自己的觀點吻合」就信以為真。(或成見偏見故。)


09. 不可因為「符合的機率非常高」就信以為真。(或掛萬漏一故。)


10. 不可因為「是導師或權威所說」就信以為真。(仰慕失理智故。)




"What do you think, Kalamas? When greed arises in a person, does it arise for welfare or for harm?"

"For harm, lord."

"And this greedy person, overcome by greed, his mind possessed by greed, kills living beings, takes what is not given, goes after another person's wife, tells lies, and induces others to do likewise, all of which is for long-term harm & suffering."

"Yes, lord."

"Now, what do you think, Kalamas? When aversion arises in a person, does it arise for welfare or for harm?"

"For harm, lord."

"And this aversive person, overcome by aversion, his mind possessed by aversion, kills living beings, takes what is not given, goes after another person's wife, tells lies, and induces others to do likewise, all of which is for long-term harm & suffering."

"Yes, lord."

"Now, what do you think, Kalamas? When delusion arises in a person, does it arise for welfare or for harm?"

"For harm, lord."

"And this deluded person, overcome by delusion, his mind possessed by delusion, kills living beings, takes what is not given, goes after another person's wife, tells lies, and induces others to do likewise, all of which is for long-term harm & suffering."

"Yes, lord."

"So what do you think, Kalamas: Are these qualities skillful or unskillful?"

"Unskillful, lord."

"Blameworthy or blameless?"

"Blameworthy, lord."

"Criticized by the wise or praised by the wise?"

"Criticized by the wise, lord."

"When adopted & carried out, do they lead to harm & to suffering, or not?"

"When adopted & carried out, they lead to harm & to suffering. That is how it appears to us."

"So, as I said, Kalamas: 'Don't go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, "This contemplative is our teacher." When you know for yourselves that, "These qualities are unskillful; these qualities are blameworthy; these qualities are criticized by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to harm & to suffering" — then you should abandon them.' Thus was it said. And in reference to this was it said.

"Now, Kalamas, don't go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, 'This contemplative is our teacher.' When you know for yourselves that, 'These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness' — then you should enter & remain in them.




01. 不可因為「常常聽人這麼傳說」就信以為真。(或不實謠言故。)


02. 不可因為「是大家遵奉的傳統」就信以為真。(或誤謬荒誕故。)


03. 不可因為「是普遍相信的報告」就信以為真。(或難免疏漏故。)


04. 不可因為「是有經典作依據的」就信以為真。(所載非無疑故。)


05. 不可因為「符合於邏輯的推測」就信以為真。(邏輯有時窮故。)


06. 不可因為「符合於常識的判斷」就信以為真。(常識非真常故。)


07. 不可因為「符合於類比的推論」就信以為真。(物類各有道故。)


08. 不可因為「和自己的觀點吻合」就信以為真。(或成見偏見故。)


09. 不可因為「符合的機率非常高」就信以為真。(或掛萬漏一故。)


10. 不可因為「是導師或權威所說」就信以為真。(仰慕失理智故。)




"What do you think, Kalamas? When lack of greed arises in a person, does it arise for welfare or for harm?"






"For welfare, lord."




"And this ungreedy person, not overcome by greed, his mind not possessed by greed, doesn't kill living beings, take what is not given, go after another person's wife, tell lies, or induce others to do likewise, all of which is for long-term welfare & happiness."




"Yes, lord."




"What do you think, Kalamas? When lack of aversion arises in a person, does it arise for welfare or for harm?"




"For welfare, lord."




"And this unaversive person, not overcome by aversion, his mind not possessed by aversion, doesn't kill living beings, take what is not given, go after another person's wife, tell lies, or induce others to do likewise, all of which is for long-term welfare & happiness."




"Yes, lord."




"What do you think, Kalamas? When lack of delusion arises in a person, does it arise for welfare or for harm?"




"For welfare, lord."




"And this undeluded person, not overcome by delusion, his mind not possessed by delusion, doesn't kill living beings, take what is not given, go after another person's wife, tell lies, or induce others to do likewise, all of which is for long-term welfare & happiness."




"Yes, lord."




"So what do you think, Kalamas: Are these qualities skillful or unskillful?"




"Skillful, lord."




"Blameworthy or blameless?"




"Blameless, lord."




"Criticized by the wise or praised by the wise?"




"Praised by the wise, lord."




"When adopted & carried out, do they lead to welfare & to happiness, or not?"




"When adopted & carried out, they lead to welfare & to happiness. That is how it appears to us."




"So, as I said, Kalamas: 'Don't go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, "This contemplative is our teacher." When you know for yourselves that, "These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness" — then you should enter & remain in them.' Thus was it said. And in reference to this was it said.






01. 不可因為「常常聽人這麼傳說」就信以為真。(或不實謠言故。)


02. 不可因為「是大家遵奉的傳統」就信以為真。(或誤謬荒誕故。)


03. 不可因為「是普遍相信的報告」就信以為真。(或難免疏漏故。)


04. 不可因為「是有經典作依據的」就信以為真。(所載非無疑故。)


05. 不可因為「符合於邏輯的推測」就信以為真。(邏輯有時窮故。)


06. 不可因為「符合於常識的判斷」就信以為真。(常識非真常故。)


07. 不可因為「符合於類比的推論」就信以為真。(物類各有道故。)


08. 不可因為「和自己的觀點吻合」就信以為真。(或成見偏見故。)


09. 不可因為「符合的機率非常高」就信以為真。(或掛萬漏一故。)


10. 不可因為「是導師或權威所說」就信以為真。(仰慕失理智故。)




"Now, Kalamas, one who is a disciple of the noble ones — thus devoid of greed, devoid of ill will, undeluded, alert, & resolute — keeps pervading the first direction [the east] — as well as the second direction, the third, & the fourth — with an awareness imbued with good will. Thus he keeps pervading above, below, & all around, everywhere & in every respect the all-encompassing cosmos with an awareness imbued with good will: abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will.




"He keeps pervading the first direction — as well as the second direction, the third, & the fourth — with an awareness imbued with compassion. Thus he keeps pervading above, below, & all around, everywhere & in every respect the all-encompassing cosmos with an awareness imbued with compassion: abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will.




"He keeps pervading the first direction — as well as the second direction, the third, & the fourth — with an awareness imbued with appreciation. Thus he keeps pervading above, below, & all around, everywhere & in every respect the all-encompassing cosmos with an awareness imbued with appreciation: abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will.




"He keeps pervading the first direction — as well as the second direction, the third, & the fourth — with an awareness imbued with equanimity. Thus he keeps pervading above, below, & all around, everywhere & in every respect the all-encompassing cosmos with an awareness imbued with equanimity: abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will.




"Now,Kalamas, one who is a disciple of the noble ones — his mind thus free from hostility, free from ill will, undefiled, & pure — acquires four assurances in the here-&-now:




"'If there is a world after death, if there is the fruit of actions rightly & wrongly done, then this is the basis by which, with the break-up of the body, after death, I will reappear in a good destination, the heavenly world.' This is the first assurance he acquires.


1. 『如果死後有來世或者如果有善惡因果業報的話,當身壞命終的時候,我必能依此清淨心投生於天道善趣之中。』這是祂所得到的第一種自信自証。


"'But if there is no world after death, if there is no fruit of actions rightly & wrongly done, then here in the present life I look after myself with ease — free from hostility, free from ill will, free from trouble.' This is the second assurance he acquires.


2. 『即使死後沒有來世或者即使沒有善惡因果業報的話,我也能在今生當中過著沒有憤恨、沒有瞋恚、沒有煩惱,這樣安樂自在的生活。』這是祂所得到的第二種自信自証。


"'If evil is done through acting, still I have willed no evil for anyone. Having done no evil action, from where will suffering touch me?' This is the third assurance he acquires.


3. 『如果我造作了惡業,那麼不管惡業會受報還是不會受報都沒有關係,因為我知道我心清淨,我對任何人沒有任何的惡意,坦坦蕩蕩。因此就算造作了這種無意的惡業,任何的苦惱又如何能加之於我呢?』這是祂所得到的第三種自信自証。


"'But if no evil is done through acting, then I can assume myself pure in both respects.' This is the fourth assurance he acquires.


4. 『如果我沒有造作惡業,那麼不管惡業會受報還是不會受報就更沒有關係了,因為我很清楚明白:我現在已經過著清淨解脫的生活了。』這是祂所得到的第四種自信自証。


"One who is a disciple of the noble ones — his mind thus free from hostility, free from ill will, undefiled, & pure — acquires these four assurances in the here-&-now."




"So it is, Blessed One. So it is, O One Well-gone. One who is a disciple of the noble ones — his mind thus free from hostility, free from ill will, undefiled, & pure — acquires four assurances in the here-&-now:




"'If there is a world after death, if there is the fruit of actions rightly & wrongly done, then this is the basis by which, with the break-up of the body, after death, I will reappear in a good destination, the heavenly world.' This is the first assurance he acquires.


1. 『如果死後有來世或者如果有善惡因果業報的話,當身壞命終的時候,我必能依此清淨心投生於天道善趣之中。』這是祂所得到的第一種自信自証。


"'But if there is no world after death, if there is no fruit of actions rightly & wrongly done, then here in the present life I look after myself with ease — free from hostility, free from ill will, free from trouble.' This is the second assurance he acquires.


2. 『即使死後沒有來世或者即使沒有善惡因果業報的話,我也能在今生當中過著沒有憤恨、沒有瞋恚、沒有煩惱,這樣安樂自在的生活。』這是祂所得到的第二種自信自証。


"'If evil is done through acting, still I have willed no evil for anyone. Having done no evil action, from where will suffering touch me?' This is the third assurance he acquires.


3. 『如果我造作了惡業,那麼不管惡業會受報還是不會受報都沒有關係,因為我知道我心清淨,我對任何人沒有任何的惡意,坦坦蕩蕩。因此就算造作了這種無意的惡業,任何的苦惱又如何能加之於我呢?』這是祂所得到的第三種自信自証。


"'But if no evil is done through acting, then I can assume myself pure in both ways.' This is the fourth assurance he acquires.


4. 『如果我沒有造作惡業,那麼不管惡業會受報還是不會受報就更沒有關係了,因為我很清楚明白:我現在已經過著清淨解脫的生活了。』這是祂所得到的第四種自信自証。


"One who is a disciple of the noble ones — his mind thus free from hostility, free from ill will, undefiled, & pure — acquires these four assurances in the here-&-now.




"Magnificent, lord! Magnificent! Just as if he were to place upright what was overturned, to reveal what was hidden, to show the way to one who was lost, or to carry a lamp into the dark so that those with eyes could see forms, in the same way has the Blessed One — through many lines of reasoning — made the Dhamma clear. We go to the Blessed One for refuge, to the Dhamma, and to the Sangha of monks. May the Blessed One remember us as lay followers who have gone to him for refuge, from this day forward, for life."




As they sat there, the Kalamas of Kesaputta said to the Blessed One, "Lord, there are some priests & contemplatives who come to Kesaputta. They expound & glorify their own doctrines, but as for the doctrines of others, they deprecate them, revile them, show contempt for them, & disparage them. And then other priests & contemplatives come to Kesaputta. They expound & glorify their own doctrines, but as for the doctrines of others, they deprecate them, revile them, show contempt for them, & disparage them. They leave us absolutely uncertain & in doubt: Which of these venerable priests & contemplatives are speaking the truth, and which ones are lying?"

"Of course you are uncertain, Kalamas. Of course you are in doubt. When there are reasons for doubt, uncertainty is born. So in this case, Kalamas, don't go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, byanalogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, 'This contemplative is our teacher.' When you know for yourselves that, 'These qualities are unskillful; these qualities are blameworthy; these qualities are criticized by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to harm & to suffering' — then you should abandon them.






傳統,不只因為他們是傳統,就必須被遵奉。報告(像是歷史記錄或新聞),不只因為它們的來源似乎可靠就必須去接受。個人的偏見,不只因為它們似乎合乎邏輯或者合於情理就必須去認同。相反的,任何的觀點或信念都一定要由它付諸實踐之後產生的結果,是好是壞或是有益是無益等來加以勘驗;而且對於那些結果的判讀,為了避免由「個人偏見」及「理解能力有限」而造成判讀錯誤的可能性,就必須更進一步藉由明智者的經驗來加以檢測。以正確的方式詢問與測試某一觀點及信念的能力叫做正確的專注(正定)。辨識並且選擇明智者為善知識的能力叫做選擇善知識。依照《小部.如是語經 16-17》, 這些能力個個都是達到修行目標最重要的內在或外在的因素。


關於如何在修行中測試某一信念之更進一步的說明,請參見:《中部 61經》、《中部95經》、《增支部7.80經》及《增支部8.53經》。而關於如何判斷一個人是否為明智者之更進一步的說,請參見:《中部110經》、《增支部 4.192經》和《增支部 8.54經》。


Translator's note: Although this discourse is often cited as the Buddha's carte blanche for following one's own sense of right and wrong, it actually says something much more rigorous than that. Traditions are not to be followed simply because they are traditions. Reports (such as historical accounts or news) are not to be followed simply because the source seems reliable. One's own preferences are not to be followed simply because they seem logical or resonate with one's feelings. Instead, any view or belief must be tested by the results it yields when put into practice; and — to guard against the possibility of any bias or limitations in one's understanding of those results — they must further be checked against the experience of people who are wise. The ability to question and test one's beliefs in an appropriate way is called appropriate attention. The ability to recognize and chose wise people as mentors is called having admirable friends. According to Iti 16-17, these are, respectively, the most important internal and external factors for attaining the goal of the practice. For further thoughts on how to test a belief in practice, see MN 61, MN 95, AN 7.80, andAN 8.53. For thoughts on how to judge whether another person is wise, see MN 110,AN 4.192, and AN 8.54.


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    露西 & 路西無雨

    超人學堂 Super Happy People School 超級幸福人

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